Fulfilling Shipments
Fulfilling shipments allows staff to track which products have been shipped, record shipping labels, and for users of the UPS shipping label functionality, print shipping labels. For systems using inventory, shipments must be fulfilled to balance inventory counts, but use of the inventory system is not required to fulfill a shipment.
To fulfill a shipment, access the Invoice Record.
- Navigate to the Inventory App > Reports and run the "Invoices Pending Fulfillment List" report OR navigate to the Inventory App > Fulfillment.
- Open the invoice containing orders to be fulfilled.
- In the Invoice Record >Line Items section, locate the product to be fulfilled.
- To fulfill a single item, under the Fulfillment column, click Fulfill. To fulfill multiple items, click the Fulfill All button at the bottom of the page.
- Complete the Fulfill Item form. Note that certain options differ for instances of Impexium configured to use UPS shipping labels versus instances not using shipping labels. (This is an enhanced UPS integration--for more information, please contact Impexium Support.)
- Select a Ship Method. These methods are set up in Products > Setup.
- UPS Label Enabled Only. Select a Box Type. These box types auto-populate the Width, Height, and Length drop-down fields, based on standard UPS box sizes. To select your own box width, height, and length, choose the custom box type.
- UPS Label Enabled Only. Enter a box Weight.
- For inventoried items, choose the Warehouse from which to pull the item being shipped.
- Enter a Tracking Number. For users using UPS labels, the tracking number is automatically generated.
- Enter a Ship Date.
- Select the products to be fulfilled in this shipment and, if necessary, edit the quantity to fulfill in the Qty to Fulfill field.
- To send a confirmation email, enter an email address in the Send Confirmation Email field.
- Click Save. The Invoice Record reflects that the shipment was fulfilled in the Shipping Information section.